A Particle Structure with Spatial Frequencies, and a Possible Hollow Mass

p. 47-75


In our previous paper, plane waves of any free massive particle were described with a transversal distribution that is defined by a new quantum number, the Bessel order β, which shows the possibility of a hollow structure. The present paper will consider any free massive particle with spherical waves described by their radial distribution. The scale of different Bessel orders is defined and the properties and structure of the presence density are given. Then it is deduced that particles can have a hollow mass and can be made passive with an inefficient crosssection. Finally, an application to Cosmology is proposed and it is suggested that antimatter of extremely high Bessel orders, in galaxy bulge and in star nucleus, may be a solution to the three problems of galaxy stability, dark matter and antimatter in the Universe.


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Bibliographical reference

Gilles Nibart and Daniel M. Dubois, « A Particle Structure with Spatial Frequencies, and a Possible Hollow Mass », CASYS, 20 | 2008, 47-75.

Electronic reference

Gilles Nibart and Daniel M. Dubois, « A Particle Structure with Spatial Frequencies, and a Possible Hollow Mass », CASYS [Online], 20 | 2008, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=2821


Gilles Nibart

Laboratoire de Physique Théorique Fondamentale de Paris, 23 Boulevard Bessières, F-75017 Paris, France.

By this author

Daniel M. Dubois

Centre for Hyperincursion and Anticipation in Ordered Systems, CHAOS asbl, Institute of Mathematics B37, University of Liège, Grande Traverse 12, B-4000 Liège 1, Belgium

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