Particles of High Bessel Order : a new Candidate to Dark Matter Problem

p. 214-226


In previous communications (Nibart & Dubois, 2006 ; 2008) we have enhanced quantum theory with the transversal distribution of plane waves associated to quanta, from a more general resolution of the differential wave equation which introduced a new quantum number : the Bessel order. In the communication (Nibart & Dubois, 2008) we have deduced several properties of the presence density of non-dimensionless particles and proposed some applications to Cosmology. In the present paper, we propose a solution to the dark matter problem, an explanation of the presence of antimatter in the Universe and we sketch a new concept of vacuum based on extremely high Bessel orders at the cosmological scale.


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Bibliographical reference

Gilles Nibart, « Particles of High Bessel Order : a new Candidate to Dark Matter Problem », CASYS, 23 | 2010, 214-226.

Electronic reference

Gilles Nibart, « Particles of High Bessel Order : a new Candidate to Dark Matter Problem », CASYS [Online], 23 | 2010, Online since 14 October 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL :


Gilles Nibart

Laboratoire de Physique Théorique Fondamentale de Paris, c/o Gilles Nibart, 3l rue de l'évêque, 06140 Coursegoules, France

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