An Approach to Solution of the Dark Energy Problem
p. 76-94
The problem is to explain the real physical source of the dark energy and what the value of the rate of the expansion is. In that sense, the analytical expression of Λ= (GM/r2c2)2 has been derived as the function of the universe mass M and radius r. Meanwhile, the Einstein's field equations require that A should be a constant. Therefore, the structure of the universe should include a new mass-radius balancing constant Kmr = M/r2, with the consequence that universe mass is producing proportional to r2. Related scalar field, determined by A, is the real physical source of the dark energy. The velocity and acceleration equations show the value of the rate of the accelerated expansion. Thus, this model solves the dark energy problem, the initial singularity problem and gives a unique solution: a closed universe. It should be verified by the observation data.
Bibliographical reference
Branko Novakovic, « An Approach to Solution of the Dark Energy Problem », CASYS, 20 | 2008, 76-94.
Electronic reference
Branko Novakovic, « An Approach to Solution of the Dark Energy Problem », CASYS [Online], 20 | 2008, Online since 03 September 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Branko Novakovic
FSB - University of Zagreb, Luciceva 5, P.0.B. 509, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia