The Problem of Obtaining the Particle Size Distribution from the Correlation Function of Multiply Scattered Light

p. 242-249


There are some methods and codes which allow obtaining the size distribution of particles suspended in liquids by means of dynamic light scattering. The solution of the problem is reduced to the decomposition of a singly scattered light correlation function into the sum of exponential functions. The optical method of the sizing based not on single, but multiple scattering just elaborated is described. Correlation times obtained by the fiber probe allow us to obtain the averaged value of the particle size. But the problem is to obtain the size distribution from the correlation function of multiply scattered light. An example of result of analysis of correlation function of light multiply scattered by bimodal suspension is represented. Several questions have been asked to mathematicians as a conclusion.


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Bibliographical reference

Leonid L. Chaikov, Konstantin V. Kovalenko, Svetlana V. Krivokhizha, Elena S. Lapteva and Gilles Nibart, « The Problem of Obtaining the Particle Size Distribution from the Correlation Function of Multiply Scattered Light », CASYS, 23 | 2010, 242-249.

Electronic reference

Leonid L. Chaikov, Konstantin V. Kovalenko, Svetlana V. Krivokhizha, Elena S. Lapteva and Gilles Nibart, « The Problem of Obtaining the Particle Size Distribution from the Correlation Function of Multiply Scattered Light », CASYS [Online], 23 | 2010, Online since 14 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Leonid L. Chaikov

Lebedev Physics Institute, Optics Department, Leninskiy prosp., 53, 1l999lGSP, Moscow, Russia

Konstantin V. Kovalenko

Lebedev Physics Institute, Optics Department, Leninskiy prosp., 53, 1l999lGSP, Moscow, Russia

Svetlana V. Krivokhizha

Lebedev Physics Institute, Optics Department, Leninskiy prosp., 53, 1l999lGSP, Moscow, Russia

Elena S. Lapteva

Lebedev Physics Institute, Optics Department, Leninskiy prosp., 53, 1l999lGSP, Moscow, Russia

Gilles Nibart

Laboratoire de Physique Théorique Fondamentale de Paris, c/o Gilles Nibart, 3l rue de l'évêque, 06140 Coursegoules, France

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