Computability and Insolvability of Simulation Processes for Anticipatory Behaviour in Evolutionary Systems

p. 167-176


A biophysically tenable description based on the present understanding of evolutionary systems is discussed, which relies on a hierarchical dynamical approach to an evolutionary chain of increasing abstraction levels through compression of information by n-dimensional attractors of chaotic dynamics. The capability of simulating the environment and other evolutionary systems through anticipatory behaviour so attained cannot be described fully through Thermodynamics, while the so-called "Great Puzzle of Theoretical Biology" could be solved through a quantum physical approach. Computability and insolvability problems would be overcome through an energy-free geometrized and topological approach stemming from an analysis of relationships between the logical space and the phase space of an evolutionary system.


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Bibliographical reference

Salvatore Santoli, « Computability and Insolvability of Simulation Processes for Anticipatory Behaviour in Evolutionary Systems », CASYS, 29 | 2014, 167-176.

Electronic reference

Salvatore Santoli, « Computability and Insolvability of Simulation Processes for Anticipatory Behaviour in Evolutionary Systems », CASYS [Online], 29 | 2014, Online since 30 September 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Salvatore Santoli

INT - International Nanobiological Testbed Ltd, 2 Royal College Street, London NWl 0NH, UK

By this author


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