Living Systems are "Cooperons"
p. 157-166
Living systems (for instance, organisms, ecosystems) are traditionally being discussed in the context of structural-morphological approach. We suppose that such approach, although is illustrative, but distracts from the circumstance that any living system is to be considered an integrated structural-functional complex. The maintenance of existence of this system is being impossible without the processes aimed at preserving this complex. This leads to the concept of cooperons - the self-preserving dynamic structures existing only as a result of specifically organized cooperative various processes. From this point of view, all living systems are cooperons of different hierarchy levels. Some other systems, for example the symbiotic ones, also are cooperons. Within a framework of this concept, it is possible to discuss the functioning of living systems of different types of organization in a new context.
Bibliographical reference
Vladimir F. Levchenko, « Living Systems are "Cooperons" », CASYS, 29 | 2014, 157-166.
Electronic reference
Vladimir F. Levchenko, « Living Systems are "Cooperons" », CASYS [Online], 29 | 2014, Online since 30 September 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Vladimir F. Levchenko
Toreza av. 44, IEPhB RAS, St.Petersburg, Russian Federation