Nanophysics and Nanoengineering for Synthetic Biology
p. 3-14
The plans, history and state-of-the-art concerning Synthetic Biology are presented. Its first general formulation dates back to the 70s, and its development is now increasing, with recent great successes digging deeply into biosystem structure-function, with near- future plans and the present capital investments. Ecological and ethical problems have been raised that might delay such plans, and in spite of its successes, Synthetic Biology and its branch Synthetic Life that aims at recreating life itself, both as an extreme engineering effort whose enabling technologies stem from biosystem Nanophysics and Nanoengineering, lack the background for realization of their most advanced purposes: attaining the ability to nanoengineer biological members as genes, genomes, subcellular members, cells and tissues, up to recreating life in the lab through ab initio processes.
Bibliographical reference
Salvatore Santoli, « Nanophysics and Nanoengineering for Synthetic Biology », CASYS, 27 | 2014, 3-14.
Electronic reference
Salvatore Santoli, « Nanophysics and Nanoengineering for Synthetic Biology », CASYS [Online], 27 | 2014, Online since 01 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Salvatore Santoli
INT - International Nanobiological Testbed Ltd, 2 Royal College Street, London NW1 0NH, UK