Information Anticipatory Dynamics of Empirical and Theoretical Languages of Nanostructured Evolutionary Automata
p. 274-285
Exploring and comparing the elements and operations of the logical space and their physical counterparts of the nonlinear Hamiltonian, conservative and/or non-integrable, phase space in nanostructured evolutionary automata, the physical meaning of syntactic ('mechanistic) information processing shows that self-referential syntax is fed and made self-consistent by the automaton dissipative, Steinbuch-like anticipatory semantic dynamics.
Bibliographical reference
Salvatore Santoli, « Information Anticipatory Dynamics of Empirical and Theoretical Languages of Nanostructured Evolutionary Automata », CASYS, 16 | 2004, 274-285.
Electronic reference
Salvatore Santoli, « Information Anticipatory Dynamics of Empirical and Theoretical Languages of Nanostructured Evolutionary Automata », CASYS [Online], 16 | 2004, Online since 08 August 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Salvatore Santoli
INT - International Nanobiological Testbed Ltd., via A. Zotti 86, I-00121 Rome, Italy