Organizational Learning for Viable Inter-organizations
p. 95-107
To work against threats and to obtain new possibilities, new forms of inter-organizational collaborations are formed. Established models of organizational control are insufficient to cope with the management of such complex situations. The management literature deals mainly with one single organization although aspects of collaborative processes are discussed. Organizational learning is recommended as a tool to in the first place develop an intercultural communication competence, but also as a complement to learn more about each other. The question is how to transfer the concept to inter-organizations. The viability of an inter-organization is depending on the ability to work as a team, learn from each other and adapt to new situations. In this paper problems and possibilities with inter-organizational management and organizational learning are discussed.
Bibliographical reference
Viveca Asproth, « Organizational Learning for Viable Inter-organizations », CASYS, 20 | 2008, 95-107.
Electronic reference
Viveca Asproth, « Organizational Learning for Viable Inter-organizations », CASYS [Online], 20 | 2008, Online since 03 September 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Viveca Asproth
Mid Sweden University, 83125 Ostersund, Sweden