A Metric Tensor of the New General Lorentz Transformation Model

p. 199-217


A new General Lorentz Transformation model (GLT-model) derived by Novakovic ( 1999) for the particle motion in x-axis only, has been extended to the full form including y and z - axes. Starting with this transformation model, a general line element and a corresponding general metric tensor of GLT - model have been derived. The general line element and the metric tensor are functions of two free parameters α and α' , which are the functions of the space-time coordinates. The identification of two free parameters of GLT-model has been done for a weak and a strong gravitational field. The weak gravitational field solution of the two free parameters of GLT-model corresponds to the well-known Schwartzschild's metrics of the line element, for a spherically symmetric non-rotating body. It is very important to point out that the line element of GLT-model given in a non-diagonal form has got a very important property: non-singularity in a very strong gravitational field. Finally, a simple coordinate transformation procedure has been derived that transforms a general line element into diagonal one, with metric components (-1, 1, 1, 1), equal to the metrics in Special Relativity. Since the all items in SR and GR can be described as the functions of two free parameters of GLT-model, the possibilities of an unification of Einstein's Special and General Theories of Relativity, as well as a new unification of electromagnetic and gravitational fields are opened.


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Bibliographical reference

Branko Novakovic, Dario Novakovic and Alen Novakovic, « A Metric Tensor of the New General Lorentz Transformation Model », CASYS, 10 | 2001, 199-217.

Electronic reference

Branko Novakovic, Dario Novakovic and Alen Novakovic, « A Metric Tensor of the New General Lorentz Transformation Model », CASYS [Online], 10 | 2001, Online since 07 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=1255


Branko Novakovic

FSB - University of Zagreb, Luciceva 5, P. 0. B. 509, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

By this author

Dario Novakovic

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Dezeliceva 7, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

By this author

Alen Novakovic

FSB - University of Zagreb, Luciceva 5, P. 0. B. 509, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

By this author


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