Anticipating in Modelling of Social Systems Neuronets with Internal Structure and Multivaluedness
p. 77-92
In proposed report we consider the principles of constructions of new models of society, their applications and further research problems. Structure of proposed models consists from elements and bonds between them. Our societv models have analogies with neural network models. To account for mentality we propose to introduce the intrinsic mental models of World in elements, which represent the individuals or decision-makers. Accounting for the anticipatory aspects of individuals leads to presumable multivaluedness in models. Connections to consciousness and quantum mechanics investigations are discussed
Bibliographical reference
Alexander Makarenko, « Anticipating in Modelling of Social Systems Neuronets with Internal Structure and Multivaluedness », CASYS, 13 | 2002, 77-92.
Electronic reference
Alexander Makarenko, « Anticipating in Modelling of Social Systems Neuronets with Internal Structure and Multivaluedness », CASYS [Online], 13 | 2002, Online since 08 October 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL :
Alexander Makarenko
National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI", Institute of Applied System Analysis, Department of Mathematical Methods of System Analysis