Nonequilibrium Hydrodinamical Processes with Memory and Nonlocality. Mathematical Models and Their Solutions

p. 81-94


The mathematical models for different hierarchical levels of transport processes are discussed. The model equations with memory effects accounting are proposed. Such equations are hyperbolic modifications of the Burgers equation and the Navies- Stokes system. Also the new systems of ordinary differential equations are proposed for investigation memory effects influence on chaos. Some numerical examples of chaotical behaviour in such systems are included.


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Référence papier

Alexander Makarenko, « Nonequilibrium Hydrodinamical Processes with Memory and Nonlocality. Mathematical Models and Their Solutions », CASYS, 5 | 2000, 81-94.

Référence électronique

Alexander Makarenko, « Nonequilibrium Hydrodinamical Processes with Memory and Nonlocality. Mathematical Models and Their Solutions », CASYS [En ligne], 5 | 2000, mis en ligne le 01 July 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Alexander Makarenko

National Technical University of Ukraine (KPI), Institute of Applied System Analysis Pobedy Ave.,37.IASA, Dept.Mathematical Methods of System Analysis 252056, Kiev, Ukraine

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