The seeds of life
p. 62-76
In this article it isn't discussed concrete chemical mechanisms of origin of life but is given some common considerations, which can promote to the critical comprehension of existing approaches. The second section concerns physical, cybernetic and anticipatory aspects of the life evolution. The different approaches to the problems of biological evolution are discussed in the third section of the article. The attention is focused on the biosphere evolution, which is regarded as the control factor for the biological evolution. In the fourth section the problem of the origin of life is discussed. One of the conclusions is the mechanism of panspermic hypothesis could work only if the conditions on planet has specific features which can be described within a framework of so called the embryosphere hypothesis.
Bibliographical reference
Vladimir F. Levchenko, « The seeds of life », CASYS, 13 | 2002, 62-76.
Electronic reference
Vladimir F. Levchenko, « The seeds of life », CASYS [Online], 13 | 2002, Online since 08 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Vladimir F. Levchenko
I.M.Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry. Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg