Introducing Social Anticipation in Computing Systems - Exemplified by a Cybernetic Model of Social Search Systems
p. 93-107
The question we want to pose is : How is social searching possible in different complex environments ? We will answer this question by introducing a sociological cybernetic model of searching and apply this model to the social search operations on the Internet. No one has to our knowledge developed and applied such a model. The main argument is that searching can be viewed as a complex social medium, which are used in all social search systems. It is showed that to use the medium of searching, the paradox of searching stated by Plato must be transformed into something operational. Further it is argued that theory of meaning is the theoretical basic of anv search theory concerned with social searching. Finally, the paper suggests a new anticipatory way of programming search software.
Bibliographical reference
Michael Paulsen and Lars Ekholm, « Introducing Social Anticipation in Computing Systems - Exemplified by a Cybernetic Model of Social Search Systems », CASYS, 13 | 2002, 93-107.
Electronic reference
Michael Paulsen and Lars Ekholm, « Introducing Social Anticipation in Computing Systems - Exemplified by a Cybernetic Model of Social Search Systems », CASYS [Online], 13 | 2002, Online since 08 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Michael Paulsen
Philosophy and Theory of Science Centre, Aalborg University
Lars Ekholm
Philosophy and Theory of Science, Centre Aalborg University