Managing Interactions for Reliable Cooperation in a High Risk Technological Project (Human Space Autonomous Exploration System)

p. 199-210


Designing a Human Space Autonomous system for the solar system exploration, needs a framework for understanding the processes that a complex project work entails, in particular to think about the interdependencies between individuals and the project and between human and technology. This paper proposes to conceive the Human Exploration system like a cognitive entity able of both a wide range of anticipatory actions and perceptions in different unknowns to forecast environment. Our perspective is that the exploration system needs to exhibit self-learning and reliable aptitudes for self-organisation in unforeseen situations. Our paper proposes to conceive a process and a life oriented matrix able to aggegate different culture and languages in order to face problems for communication and cooperation at the early stage of the project.


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Bibliographical reference

Stéphane Grès and Jean-François Guyonnet, « Managing Interactions for Reliable Cooperation in a High Risk Technological Project (Human Space Autonomous Exploration System) », CASYS, 21 | 2008, 199-210.

Electronic reference

Stéphane Grès and Jean-François Guyonnet, « Managing Interactions for Reliable Cooperation in a High Risk Technological Project (Human Space Autonomous Exploration System) », CASYS [Online], 21 | 2008, Online since 29 August 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Stéphane Grès

UTC - TSH - COSTECH - Centre Pierre Guillaumat, B.P. 60319 - 60203 COMPIEGNE Cedex

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Jean-François Guyonnet

UTC - TSH - COSTECH - Centre Pierre Guillaumat, B.P. 60319 - 60203 COMPIEGNE Cedex

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