Anticipation : Human Versus Machines

p. 48-63


Features of anticipation are compared in human and AI systems. In AI systems, a concept's semantic space is equal to, or smaller than, what is strictly defined by all occurrences of the concept within the system. While in a human cognitive system, the semantic space of a concept is always larger, more complex, divergent, and frizzy, than what has been theorized or formalized. A crucial superiority of a human anticipatory system(over the AI one) is to be able to view a crisis situation in its globality, according to values of the highest order. Specific matrixes of logic and knowledge are used by the mind for analyzing and understanding situations and experiences: the logfields. A metamodel, by interweaving different scientific logfields, may create a multidimensional cognitive space in which divergence and variety of worldviews enrich the collectivity.


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Bibliographical reference

Christine Hardy and Stéphane Grès, « Anticipation : Human Versus Machines », CASYS, 14 | 2004, 48-63.

Electronic reference

Christine Hardy and Stéphane Grès, « Anticipation : Human Versus Machines », CASYS [Online], 14 | 2004, Online since 07 October 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL :


Christine Hardy

Centre ECO-Mind, Ormoy, 91000, FRANCE

Stéphane Grès

By this author


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