Multi Criteria Analysis for Finding the Best Economical Pitting Sites against Rangelands Degradation

p. 211-218


Decision making for Rangeland degradation control is very complicate and strongly need to apply computer and multi criteria analysis. In this study aim is finding the best economical pitting sites for reduction degradation in rangelands. Pitting is a mechanical soil and water conservation by making pits in surface. By storing the rainfall water in pits, vegetation cover will be better and rangelands degradation will be reduced. Hable Roud watershed in north of Iran had many spatial data. The research techniques are multi criteria analysis and decision support. Spatial natural and environmental data is used. Some criteria are needed to find the best economical pitting sites. In this watershed, a model with these spatial factors (sediment yield…), economic factors (proximity to roads…) and constraints (slope less than l0 %…) was designed. These maps were entered to computer and rasterised and by SMCE module in ILWIS software were analyzed. Maps were standardized in value range between 0 till 1. They were weighted by AHP or direct method. Compositing of these prepared layers were done by SMCE. Output was composite index map. This map was classified and prioritized for pitting measwes. This model can help to decision making and measure ends anticipatory be faster, easier and more exactly.


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Bibliographical reference

Ali Akbar Jamali, Jamal Ghoddousi and Mahdi Farahpour, « Multi Criteria Analysis for Finding the Best Economical Pitting Sites against Rangelands Degradation », CASYS, 21 | 2008, 211-218.

Electronic reference

Ali Akbar Jamali, Jamal Ghoddousi and Mahdi Farahpour, « Multi Criteria Analysis for Finding the Best Economical Pitting Sites against Rangelands Degradation », CASYS [Online], 21 | 2008, Online since 29 August 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Ali Akbar Jamali

Islamic Azad University-Maybod Branch, Natural Resources College, Watershed Management Dept., P.O. Box 8965151566, Maybod, Iran

Jamal Ghoddousi

Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

Mahdi Farahpour

Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands, Tehran, Iran


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