Cognitive and Semiotic Approach Lead by Risks Perception and Evaluation for Complex Project
p. 133-140
This paper proposes an approach for a complex and innovative project calling international contribution from different communities of knowledge and expertise. Designing a Human Space Autonomous system for Mars exploration needs a cognitive and semiotic approach lead by risks perception and evaluation. The objective is to solve complex problems and facilitate communication and cooperation at the early stages of the project. The specialized languages, norms and representations tend to separate knowledges in different fields. This process is emphasized by the tendency of discursive thought to reduce the multiple to the unity. Designing an open, self-learning and reliable exploration system1 able to self-adapt in dangerous and unforeseen situations implies a collective networked intelligence led by a safe process that organizes interaction between the actors and the project finality.
1 The modes of proof for design an open, self-learning and reliable systems are on different register : l. Human system → Representation, 2. Technical system → Models, 3. Information system → Calculation and Logic. Return to text
Bibliographical reference
Stéphane Grès and Olivier Gapenne, « Cognitive and Semiotic Approach Lead by Risks Perception and Evaluation for Complex Project », CASYS, 26 | 2014, 133-140.
Electronic reference
Stéphane Grès and Olivier Gapenne, « Cognitive and Semiotic Approach Lead by Risks Perception and Evaluation for Complex Project », CASYS [Online], 26 | 2014, Online since 01 October 2024, connection on 14 November 2024. URL :
Stéphane Grès
UTC-TSH-COSTECH, Centre Pierre Guillaumat, B.P.60319 - 60203 COMPIEGNE Cedex
Olivier Gapenne
UTC-TSH-COSTECH, Centre Pierre Guillaumat, B.P.60319 - 60203 COMPIEGNE Cedex