Total System Inversion : The Alchemy of Realisation

p. 286-298


"Big Bang" is often being used as a representation for universal unification: the one starting point for the universe as a whole. It is a key concept in the quest for a Grand Theory of Unification, in which all of the forms of the universe can be reduced into one point of creation. As is seen in mathematics, when a dimension is compressed its specifications change from quantitative to qualitative: the structures become less determinable than their relationships. In Total System Inversion, this relation is made explicit, relating the Closed System to the Open System. To distinguish the two a different mode of observation is required. A Field and a Boundary must be regarded and considered at the same time. This requires a mental state in which left brain and right brain are in balance; this has been described as the D'ai Qi of I Ching. The formalism of state transition includes its dynamics, transformation and emergence; all can be described in the same terms if the constraint of determinable/determined description is released in describing how the same takes place for any identifiable system. The concept of Total System lnversion is essential for understanding properties and principles that can not be perceived: the singularities in our own functioning are the gateways to knowing more of the unknown.


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Bibliographical reference

Otto Van Nieuwenhuijze, « Total System Inversion : The Alchemy of Realisation », CASYS, 16 | 2004, 286-298.

Electronic reference

Otto Van Nieuwenhuijze, « Total System Inversion : The Alchemy of Realisation », CASYS [Online], 16 | 2004, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Otto Van Nieuwenhuijze

Independent Research Scientist,

17-II Gerard DouStraat, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, NL 1072 VJ

By this author


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