A new Approach to Unification of Potential Fields Using GLT Model
p. 196-211
Because a scalar potential of a gravitational field has a unit of a specific energy (J/kg), the problem of unification of potential fields has been transformed into the problem of unification of specific potential energies of a particle in a multi-potential field. Consequently, the parameter α and α' of GLT model become the functions of a unified specific potential energy in a multi-potential field. Since all items like field tensors and Klein, Gordon and Fock equation are functions of parameters α and α', these items can be applied to multi-potential fields. Thus, a field tensor of a unified specific potential energy of a particle in central symmetric electromagnetic and gravitational fields in vacuum is derived. Finally, it has been shown that a momentum equation of photons will remain unchanged even if the photons may have the mass.
Bibliographical reference
Branko Novakovic, Dario Novakovic and Alen Novakovic, « A new Approach to Unification of Potential Fields Using GLT Model », CASYS, 11 | 2002, 196-211.
Electronic reference
Branko Novakovic, Dario Novakovic and Alen Novakovic, « A new Approach to Unification of Potential Fields Using GLT Model », CASYS [Online], 11 | 2002, Online since 16 July 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=1726
Branko Novakovic
FSB - University of Zagreb, Luciceva 5, P.O.B. 509, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Dario Novakovic
FSB - University of Zagreb, Luciceva 5, P.O.B. 509, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Alen Novakovic
FSB - University of Zagreb, Luciceva 5, P.O.B. 509, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia