New Reaction Mechanism in Heavy Ion Reaction

p. 212-220


We propose a new mechanism in nuclear reactions where fusion is accompanied by light particle emission (in the early stage of nuclear reaction), decay by multi fragmentation or fission of the fused system. This mechanism was suggested by the existing experimental data obtained in nuclear reactions for fission, deep inelastic transfer, fusion, compound nucleus decay, gamma spectroscopy multi fragmentation, etc. We want only, by an iterative procedure, obtain new and more insights for collective nuclear forces, or new properties of nuclear matter and finally for the nuclear forces. We underline some of nuclear reactions characteristics, and based on these experimental evidences we give two postulates which define the nuclear interaction between two heavy ions (two pieces of nuclear matter). With these two axioms, we are able to understand in a frame of the new reaction mechanism, the experimental data obtained in nuclear reactions induced by heavy ions like : subcoulombian (subbarrier) fusion, superdeformation, fire balls, nuclear deformation in spectroscopy studies, deep inelastic reactions, etc.

We mention that all of our efforts is to make a separate analysis, as much as it is possible, for nuclear forces, pure nuclear one. The superposition of "the well known electromagnetic interaction" with nuclear interaction one may not be a simply addition of the two fields (of different nature).


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Bibliographical reference

Domitian G. Popescu, « New Reaction Mechanism in Heavy Ion Reaction », CASYS, 11 | 2002, 212-220.

Electronic reference

Domitian G. Popescu, « New Reaction Mechanism in Heavy Ion Reaction », CASYS [Online], 11 | 2002, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Domitian G. Popescu

Laboratoire de Physique Théorique Fondamentale de Paris - 31 rue de l'Évêque, F-06140 Coursegoules (France)

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