"The Life Demon" and Auto-regulation of Evolutionary Processes

p. 31-44


The auto-regulation phenomena are fundamental properties for biological systems of various levels of biological organization ( organisms, ecosystems, biosphere). At present, in spite of the brilliant successes in cybernetics, the investigations of the auto-regulation for living systems in context of their development or/and evolution are hampered by essential theoretical and methodological difficulties. In this paper we present several simple approaches which can give some basis to elaborate in the future new quantitative models in above fields. The first approach concerns the management of energy flows, the second one introduces the concept of the so called "the Life Demon". The Demon is specific non-material object which is factually an algorithm and which can propagate by the alike way as it does virus. The third approach results in the simple type of electronic model which describes some features of behaviour for the objects of the first and of the second approaches, in particular, auto-regulation activity, searching activity, anticipatory behavior. We suppose that these approaches can be joined and perfected in the future with use of the balance kinetic models of auto-regulations for the cases of quasi-isolated ecosystems and for biosphere.


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Bibliographical reference

Vladimir F. Levchenko and Valentin E. Khartsiev, « "The Life Demon" and Auto-regulation of Evolutionary Processes », CASYS, 10 | 2001, 31-44.

Electronic reference

Vladimir F. Levchenko and Valentin E. Khartsiev, « "The Life Demon" and Auto-regulation of Evolutionary Processes », CASYS [Online], 10 | 2001, Online since 05 July 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=1072


Vladimir F. Levchenko

I.M.Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry. Russian Academy, of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 194223, Russia

By this author

Valentin E. Khartsiev

A.F. Ioffe Physical Technical Institute. Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russia


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