The Drama of Human Experience; Anticipator and Anticipated, Who is Playing for Whom
p. 45-51
One of the puzzling problems of describing artistic and scientific ideas and concepts is their "language", or their means of presentations. Semantic issues in verbal description specifically, and even scientific modes, often have their limitations. The notion of "anticipation" and its derivative: anticipator and anticipated, due to interconnection with both the subjective and objective world, become highly contextual, and subject to interpretation. It is suggested here that the notion of anticipation, and therefore anticipatory systems, because it falls into both domains, subject and object, would have to challenge the said problem, in order to carry a certain degree of accuracy. That is, since these two domains each have its own modes of presentation, then any discussion on anticipatory systems has to define its boundary within the ranges of domains which covers many schools of thought, from one end of extremes of objective description, to the other end of subjective description. Here we suggest that even the most extreme of subjective experience, namely mystic experiences, should not be excluded from our understanding of phenomenon.
Bibliographical reference
Asghar T. Minai, « The Drama of Human Experience; Anticipator and Anticipated, Who is Playing for Whom », CASYS, 10 | 2001, 45-51.
Electronic reference
Asghar T. Minai, « The Drama of Human Experience; Anticipator and Anticipated, Who is Playing for Whom », CASYS [Online], 10 | 2001, Online since 07 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Asghar T. Minai
School of Architecture, College of Engineering, Architecture and Computer Science, Howard University, USA