Dolní Věstonice I female grave (DV3). Red colourants and other components of the burial fill up and grave floor
p. 161-178
Red powdery and crusty concentrations from the fill-up and bottom of a female burial DV3 from the Dolní Věstonice I site, representing Pavlovian culture, as well as some red raw material from the site were examined. Burial floor and fill-up is composed of marly substrate mixed with bone powder, charcoal ash and red, rounded, relatively hard particles, composed of burnt iron bearing aluminosilicates. Red crusts, present on it (maybe also within it), applied probably as suspension, are composed of unburnt iron bearing aluminosilicates. The raw material for powders is assumed to come from the site hearths red ash. Red iron artifacts, macroscopically almost identical, occur on the site also as an assemblage of loose red lumps. They are petrographically inhomogeneous and their sources are localized up to 150 km from the site. Raw material similar to the one of some of red lumps may have been used for burial ceremony.
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Référence papier
Joanna Trąbska, Martin Oliva, Adam Gawel et Barbara Trybalska, « Dolní Věstonice I female grave (DV3). Red colourants and other components of the burial fill up and grave floor », ERAUL, 143 | 2016, 161-178.
Référence électronique
Joanna Trąbska, Martin Oliva, Adam Gawel et Barbara Trybalska, « Dolní Věstonice I female grave (DV3). Red colourants and other components of the burial fill up and grave floor », ERAUL [En ligne], 143 | 2016, mis en ligne le 06 December 2024, consulté le 10 January 2025. URL :
Joanna Trąbska
University of Rzeszow, Institute of Archaeology, Moniuszki 10 str,r 35-015 Rzeszow (Poland)
Martin Oliva
Anthropos Institute, Zelny Trh 6, 659 37 Brno (Czech Republic)
Adam Gawel
University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30 A, 30-059 Kraków (Poland)
Barbara Trybalska
University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30 A, 30-059 Kraków (Poland)