Universe as Self-Organizational System

p. 202-213


Today in astronomy and astrophysics we have a lot of facts, which need the new explanation. On another side we have the new scientific directions – cybernetics, system analysis, synergetics and informatics, which used for study of complex systems in biology, economics and technics, and naturally to try to consider Universe how complex system and to use the accumulated arsenal of instruments of investigation of self-organizational system. This report is the attempt in this direction. We examine the linguo-combinatorial simulation of solar system, where used how key words the names of planets, and detect the structural uncertainty in equivalent equations systems, which can used for adaptation in flow of changes. The constructed self-organized system is the basic building block, which can create collective on different levels – planetary, galactic, etc. Star clusters are the basic blocks for creation of equivalent equations with structural uncertainty, which can use for stabilization of systems.

Today the understanding of asteroid hazard for mankind is confirmed by means of big amount of experimental facts and theoretical simulation results. The size of asteroids increase the degree of danger, it is obviously impossibility of catastrophe for big asteroids if we will be stay on old scientific paradigm. In this paper we try to search the way from dangerous situation on basement of linguo-combinatorial simulation of complex planet systems.

If we shall take the key words - Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto - 10 variables, we shall have the equivalent equations with 45 arbitrary coefficients. In this equations system A1 – characteristics of Sun, E1 - variation of this characteristics, A2 – characteristics of Mercury, E2 – variation of this characteristics, …, U1, U2,… , U45 – arbitrary coefficients, which permit to control of characteristics. The discovery of this new possibility is very important for mankind in view of asteroids hazard. Big hope is the discovery of new methods for planet processes control. For stability the sun system must be in the adaptation maximum zone.


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Bibliographical reference

Mikhail B. Ignatyev, « Universe as Self-Organizational System », CASYS, 23 | 2010, 202-213.

Electronic reference

Mikhail B. Ignatyev, « Universe as Self-Organizational System », CASYS [Online], 23 | 2010, Online since 14 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=4696


Mikhail B. Ignatyev

St-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

By this author


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