Entanglement and Algorithmic Topology
p. 201-212
Algorithmic topology is the spanning of an algorithm on a topological structure. The common calculus with paper and pen shows that all the recursive functions can be spanned on Euclidean planes. It is known that two topological structures are identical if and only if cut-pasting operations don't need to transform one in the other. Dubois' third stage (identification of incursive algorithm last row and column respectively with its first row and column) gives to incursive algorithms a spanning only on a torus that can be transformed in Euclidean plane only by cut-pasting operations. Thus incursive algorithms couldn't reduce to recursive algorithms and Church's hypothesis couldn't be true. Now, observe the affinity between topologic cut-pasting operations, Dubois' third stage and quantum entanglement. This last one can be considered either two "entanglements" in incursive algorithms or a cut-pasting operation on Euclidean plane on which such an algorithm is spanned to transform such a plane in torus. Is quantum entanglement simply the inadequacy of algorithms that can be spanned only on Euclidean plains to represent quantum mechanics? The same question could have value for some complex biological systems.
Bibliographical reference
Arturo Graziano Grappone, « Entanglement and Algorithmic Topology », CASYS, 29 | 2014, 201-212.
Electronic reference
Arturo Graziano Grappone, « Entanglement and Algorithmic Topology », CASYS [Online], 29 | 2014, Online since 08 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=3867
Arturo Graziano Grappone
International Review 'Metalogicon', via Carlo Dossi, 87 - 0013 7 Roma – Italy