Dimension Calculus and Anticipatory Systems

p. 180-192


Dimensional analysis permits us the rigorous comprehension of physical quantities by its reduction in terms of mass M, length L, time T, electric charge Q, and temperature Θ. E.g., speed is LT-1, force is MLT-2 and so on. However, Saumont has observed that it is no rational to give dimensions to constant quantity and not to give dimensions to variable quantity. Also, standard dimension analysis implies an evident hyper-cubic topology MnLpTpQrΘs that isn't incompatible with (hyper)incursive systems that have hypersphere or torus topology. Finally, Grappone has proven that anticipatory systems, in terms of set inclusive networks, are equivalent to first order theories in mathematical logic, i.e. polyadic or cilindric algebras that haven't a simple hypercubic structure. This paper is an attempt to start the solving of these problems.


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Bibliographical reference

Arturo Graziano Grappone, « Dimension Calculus and Anticipatory Systems », CASYS, 23 | 2010, 180-192.

Electronic reference

Arturo Graziano Grappone, « Dimension Calculus and Anticipatory Systems », CASYS [Online], 23 | 2010, Online since 14 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=4677


Arturo Graziano Grappone

International Review « Metalogicon », Piazza Albania, 6 – 00153 Roma, Italy

By this author


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