Physics and Anticipation in Bio-Systems
p. 189-200
This paper looks at contributions from physics to anticipation in biological computing systems. The most important is the physics of coherence in water. This goes back to the contributions by Herbert Fröhlich summarised in his two "Green Books". The significance of frequency in respect of anticipation is the subject of my paper in Session 10 of CASYS' 11. The present paper deals with the physics of water as developed from dielectric and diamagnetic properties and Fröhlich's ideas of coherence in active biological systems to the subsequent developments. As vicinal water it carries a model of the system's chemistry. Water memory can be 'pro-gramed' in anticipation of future events. The novelty is in further recognition of the significance of coherence.
Bibliographical reference
Cyril W. Smith, « Physics and Anticipation in Bio-Systems », CASYS, 29 | 2014, 189-200.
Electronic reference
Cyril W. Smith, « Physics and Anticipation in Bio-Systems », CASYS [Online], 29 | 2014, Online since 30 September 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Cyril W. Smith
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