Frequency and Anticipation in Bio-Systems

p. 165-180


Bio-systems need a computing function at many levels of biological activity. The problem is how does it work? It is proposed that frequency is the language of bio- computing activity and that these frequencies are coherent to the theoretical limit. Frequency has a duality with chemical structure and as an expression of energy level change it can provide a control function. All bio-systems are water based and can use the coherent properties of water to implement basic arithmetic operations and basic reversible logic gates. Strong anticipation is imbedded chemically in nucleotides, chemicals and their frequency signatures and water memory. Weak anticipation derives from a need for future chemicals and activities predicted from within a self-model.


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Bibliographical reference

Cyril W. Smith, « Frequency and Anticipation in Bio-Systems », CASYS, 27 | 2014, 165-180.

Electronic reference

Cyril W. Smith, « Frequency and Anticipation in Bio-Systems », CASYS [Online], 27 | 2014, Online since 11 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Cyril W. Smith

Retired from Salford University, 36 Westminster Road, Ellesmere Park, Eccles, Manchester M30 9EA, England

By this author


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