A Nested Detector With a Fractal Temporal Interface
p. 366-376
Most time series analysis is carried out in retrospect, i.e., after the data has been acquired. Direct observation, and with it, anticipation of the temporal development of a system, is often limited to one level of descripion. This would not suffice if one wished to detect scaling behaviour in real time. An algorithm is introduced which describes a fractal, nested detector. This nested detector anticipates scaling structures in real time, and registers space time as a function of the Prime Structure Constant. Depending on where the interfacial cut is set, the nested detector could be a brain, a computer program or a mechanical measuring device. Fractal nested detectors are an example of strong anticipation, as the scaling behaviour, which is inherent in the underlying system's dynamics, is adopted by the detector in order to further differentiate its interface.
Bibliographical reference
Susie Vrobel, « A Nested Detector With a Fractal Temporal Interface », CASYS, 17 | 2006, 366-376.
Electronic reference
Susie Vrobel, « A Nested Detector With a Fractal Temporal Interface », CASYS [Online], 17 | 2006, Online since 24 September 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=3551
Susie Vrobel
The Institute for Fractal Research, Goethestrasse 66, 34119 Kassel, Germany