The Kairos Syndrome
p. 153-164
The ancient Greek notion of the kairos is defined as the key moment in which the future may be influenced. It defines a specific moment as a bifurcation point, a singularity from which new order may emerge. An embedded observer whose fractal temporal interface translates his embedding context accesses the kairos from within, from an endo-perspective. This observer is part of the reality generated at the bifurcation point. In fact, he is part of the kairos, and thus an example of strong anticipation. Syndrome literally means running together. The term is used when the reason that certain features occur together has not yet been discovered or been made explicit. This paper tries to identify and relate what runs together in the kairos: the dynamics of both the observer and his context, which together form an interface with anticipatory properties.
Bibliographical reference
Susie Vrobel, « The Kairos Syndrome », CASYS, 20 | 2008, 153-164.
Electronic reference
Susie Vrobel, « The Kairos Syndrome », CASYS [Online], 20 | 2008, Online since 03 September 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Susie Vrobel
The Institute for Fractal Research, Ernst-Ludwig-Ring 2, 61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany