System Growth Modelling - An Insight into the Linguistic Theory of Growth

p. 354-365


Growth is the factor, which underlies any movement and change, because every movement and change can be characterised by the process of an increase and/or decrease in the value of its parameters, and this process we understand as a process of growth or briefly growth. This trait of growth leads to the conclusion that growth is a very basic function of any element and system in nature and therefore it has very wide generality.

This paper, based on our development of the linguistic approach to a qualitative and quantitative modelling of systems and processes, outlines the basic aspects of system's growth in the form of mathematical trajectories. Our work uncovers more complex aspects of growth and its associafion with currently used methods of modelling and reveals more effective ways to analyse and steer behaviour of different kinds of systems and processes.


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Bibliographical reference

Kazimierz Turkiewicz and Domenika B. Turkiewicz, « System Growth Modelling - An Insight into the Linguistic Theory of Growth », CASYS, 17 | 2006, 354-365.

Electronic reference

Kazimierz Turkiewicz and Domenika B. Turkiewicz, « System Growth Modelling - An Insight into the Linguistic Theory of Growth », CASYS [Online], 17 | 2006, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Kazimierz Turkiewicz

University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

By this author

Domenika B. Turkiewicz

University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

By this author


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