Anticipation as a Bridge Between Theory and Praxis
p. 277-285
The paper is addressed to people who do not deal with practical activity. Its aim is to draw attention to the necessity of creating anticipating methods that would be useful to apply in practical activity. This activity consists in creating new objects, managing the existing ones and organizing various undertakings. Practical activity takes place within social processes. Therefore, it starts with the analysis of needs and social expectations. The newly created methods of anticipation are a very important element of the present development of science. They allow omitting partially a probabilistic and statistic analysis of the processes. So, there is a chance to depart from the development of science based on the medieval view of "Ockham's Razor". Here, traditional science of science is a barrier to the development of scientific disciplines. Some of them are more and more distant from the physical and social reality. Scientific research consists in analyzing processes isolated from the surrounding. The results of such research are, of course, correct. Yet, in the reality there are no processes that are independent of one another. Therefore, the research results do not allow determining the synergy effect occuring during the interaction of particular processes. Experts, practitioners, creating new undertakings, handle this problem quite well. Their activities, only in the introductory stage itself, are based on theoretical basics. The results of these analyses identify the area, in which it is necessary to look for a practical solution.
Science of science that is nowadays regarded significant causes the lack of acceptance of the research on anticipation. Therefore, it is indispensable to develop mathematical basics of anticipation. Yet, it is necessary for the elements of the created theory not to remind taditional scientific disciplines. It is essential to complement these developmental activities with the attempts to get theoretical considerations closer to practical reality.
Bibliographical reference
Wiktor H. Adamkiewicz, « Anticipation as a Bridge Between Theory and Praxis », CASYS, 17 | 2006, 277-285.
Electronic reference
Wiktor H. Adamkiewicz, « Anticipation as a Bridge Between Theory and Praxis », CASYS [Online], 17 | 2006, Online since 08 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Wiktor H. Adamkiewicz
Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland