A Mathematical Theory of Dynamic Systems Built on Differential Calculus in Semi-Normed Spaces

p. 264-276


The paper contains several results belonging to the theory of systems with infinite memory, using the differential calculus in locally convex spaces. These results are the following: the general constitutive functional can have, as a first approximation, an integral representation; the constitutive functional could be expressed by a double integral, so obtaining a better approximation; the speed of the present state modification is in a linear dependence on the history of the speed by which the inputs were changed, the whole time elapsed till the present moment; the state of the system in a next moment is obtained also by means of some formulae using the derivative of the constitutive functional; the problem of optimal control of the system evolution, formulated for this general functional representation, leads to the equations of the Calculus of Variations.


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Bibliographical reference

Eufrosina Otlacan, « A Mathematical Theory of Dynamic Systems Built on Differential Calculus in Semi-Normed Spaces », CASYS, 17 | 2006, 264-276.

Electronic reference

Eufrosina Otlacan, « A Mathematical Theory of Dynamic Systems Built on Differential Calculus in Semi-Normed Spaces », CASYS [Online], 17 | 2006, Online since 23 September 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=3512


Eufrosina Otlacan

Romanian University of Sciences and Arts "Gheorghe Cristea", Bucharest, Bd. Energeticienilor 9-11

By this author


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