Selected Postulates of Science Development Deterministic Chaos Versus Eastern Philosophy

p. 253-268


The aim of this paper is to present the author's opinion on the methods used in scientific research whose results are to be applied in practice. It mainly refers to the research whose results describe global problems. This paper's role is also to attract attention to the necessity of system consideration of the anticipation problem (Adamkiewicz, 1997a, 1998b, 1998d, 1998c, 1998e). This view maybe justified on the basis of many sources as well as the author's own research. The process of economic, cultural and social globalization was given as an example of a process in which anticipation plays an essential role (Adamkiewicz, 1995a, 1996, 1997b, 1997e, 1998a, 1999b). Activity anticipating the future should at the same time involve a whole set of such processes. Separate consideration of every process included in the set leads to neglecting the effect of synergy (Adamkiewicz, 1997c, 1997d). At present each particle process is analysed separately applying the non system methods. These methods are in correct (Adamkiewicz, 1989, 1990a, 1990b, 1999c). It is a mistake to use, for example, Maslow's Needs Hierarchy Theory, Pareto's Rule and other methods (Adamkiewicz 1997a, 1999c). The discussed processes take place in arranged social-economic-technical systems. The author postulates the application of proper methods of their analysis. It refers to the theory of chaos due to the non-linear nature of the processes. It also refers to the forecasting methods applied in technical sciences. These methods, based on the theory of change, are the basis of current designing as concept preparation for any social, economic or technical activities. It is also important to draw the attention to the fact that after a period of fascination there is now a backward trend as far as system and cybernetics methods are concerned. Such harmful tendency maybe reversed by arousing interest in the philosophy of the East among certain groups of scientists. This philosophy, on the contrary to the philosophy of the West, is based on system perception of the world.


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Bibliographical reference

Wiktor H. Adamkiewicz, « Selected Postulates of Science Development Deterministic Chaos Versus Eastern Philosophy », CASYS, 5 | 2000, 253-268.

Electronic reference

Wiktor H. Adamkiewicz, « Selected Postulates of Science Development Deterministic Chaos Versus Eastern Philosophy », CASYS [Online], 5 | 2000, Online since 07 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Wiktor H. Adamkiewicz

Technical University of Gdansk Gdynia Maritime Academy

By this author


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