Anticipation in the Context of Altered States of Consciousness
p. 232-245
In its first part the paper presents several paradigms of the universe, in the view of scientists who have investigated both physical and philosophical aspects of this domain. In the second part, starting from the paradigm of the material continuum we discuss the possibility to transcend the space-time reality (Here-and-Now) in the aim of investigating the energetic and informational reality, support of the continuous present. The considered model is related to psychological and psycho-analytical phenomena.
The altered states of consciousness, obtained by means of "psyche"-type techniques, allow the transformation of a future temporal nexus in an element of the present time. Through this "psyche anticipation" process, a sliding of the time reference takes place, since the future becomes present and the present an element of the past. In this way the initial anticipatory potantial is enhanced and allows one more energetic and informational step. By such a step-by-step progression segments of the future could be investigated thus building an anticipatory model. The "psyche anticipation" is a weak anticipation.
Bibliographical reference
Doina-Elena Manole and Aliodor Manolea, « Anticipation in the Context of Altered States of Consciousness », CASYS, 16 | 2004, 232-245.
Electronic reference
Doina-Elena Manole and Aliodor Manolea, « Anticipation in the Context of Altered States of Consciousness », CASYS [Online], 16 | 2004, Online since 08 August 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :