The Most Natural Procedure for Quantum Image Recognition

p. 246-257


It is shown how images can be processed, memorized, reconstructed or/and recognized using fundamental and relatively non-artificial quantum dynamics, i.e. | Ψ) =| Ψ)(Ψ | Ψ) in Dirac's notation. The right-most | Ψ) represents the output, the left-most | Ψ) denotes the input, and the central | Ψ)( Ψ | represents the associative memory. No quantum logic gates are needed, but merely a holographic procedure. Our computational model, successfully tested on concrete data, is a quantum version of Hopfield-based neural-netlike associative processing which is mathematicaliy translated into wave-dynamics in a straight-forward way. Here we discuss its most natural quantum implementation(s), i.e. using ordinary interference of image-modulated quantum waves. The non-trivial (even, e.g., anticipatory) capabilities of this model arise from proper consideration of data-structure, or pre-processing by classical systems, therefore it is the best available candidate for the quantum kernel of (conscious) image recognition in the visual cortex.


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Bibliographical reference

Mitja Peruš and Horst Bischof, « The Most Natural Procedure for Quantum Image Recognition », CASYS, 16 | 2004, 246-257.

Electronic reference

Mitja Peruš and Horst Bischof, « The Most Natural Procedure for Quantum Image Recognition », CASYS [Online], 16 | 2004, Online since 08 August 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL :


Mitja Peruš

Graz University of Technology, Institute for Computer Vision and Graphics, Inffeldgasse 16, 2.OG, A-8010 Graz, Austria

By this author

Horst Bischof

Graz University of Technology, Institute for Computer Vision and Graphics, Inffeldgasse 16, 2.OG, A-8010 Graz, Austria


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