Information Systems and the Theory of Categories : Is Every Model an Anticipatory System?
p. 219-231
The possible unknown behaviour of a reactive system may not be fully understood but it may be modelled in an information system. The relationship between a system and its model can be constructed through a series of stages showing the correlation between arrows in the system and in the model. Such a diagram is formal where the system and the model are 2-cell categories and the mappings between the system and the model are adjunctions. Such mappings can be built up using basic arrow constructions or given in a more abstract form in terms of freeness and co-freeness. The adequacy of a model as a representation of a natural system is discussed in terms of mapping properties such as reflection, isomorphism and adjoint equivalence. The circumstances for the model being anticipatory are considered.
Bibliographical reference
M. A. Heather and B. N. Rossiter, « Information Systems and the Theory of Categories : Is Every Model an Anticipatory System? », CASYS, 16 | 2004, 219-231.
Electronic reference
M. A. Heather and B. N. Rossiter, « Information Systems and the Theory of Categories : Is Every Model an Anticipatory System? », CASYS [Online], 16 | 2004, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
M. A. Heather
Sutherland Building, University of Northumbria at Newcastle NEl 8ST, UK
B. N. Rossiter
School of Informatics, Universitv of Northumbria at Newcastle