ACADA, An Anticipatory Design Approach

p. 196-206


System design is still challenging human mental and intellectual capacity. Consequently system design projects often fail. At the same time, anticipation and the anticipatory paradigm are not used in the multiplicity of design methods at hand. As a remedy, the ACADA (Anticipatory Computer Aided Design Approach) is proposed to be added to the methods repertoire. With ACADA it will be possible to test and verify the design before its implementation. ACADA builds on anticipatory modelling and computing in a formal (algorithmic) computer aided system followed by an association from the formal system and its parameters to the concrete living system, i.e. the Human Activity System (HAS) in focus. This way of intervening into living systems, or designing HAS, represents a new application of anticipatory theory, method, and tecbnique.


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Bibliographical reference

Stig C. Holmberg, « ACADA, An Anticipatory Design Approach », CASYS, 18 | 2006, 196-206.

Electronic reference

Stig C. Holmberg, « ACADA, An Anticipatory Design Approach », CASYS [Online], 18 | 2006, Online since 31 July 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Stig C. Holmberg

Mid Sweden University, 83125 ÖSTERSUND, Sweden

By this author


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