Utility and Helpfulness of Probability of the Fuzzy Events in Some Economic Problems

p. 187-195


In the paper we present some conceptions of probability of fuzzy events, especially of intuitionistic fuzzy events and discuss them in one perspective and show the utility and helpfulness of using the probability calculus to a valuation of some economic situations.

Section 1. Introduction. Probability of fuzzy events according to the idea of L. Zadeh.

Section 2. Intuitionistic fuzzy sets of K. Atanassov.

Section 3. Intuitionistic fuzzy event (IFE) and its probability according to the results of T. Gerstenkorn and J. Mańko.

Section 4. Probability of IFE by using the theorems of decomposition and extension principle of D. Stoyanova.

Section 5. Probability of IFE according to the ideas of E. Szmidt and J. Kacprzyk.

Section 6. A large example showing utility and helpfulness of using a probability calculus to evaluation of some economic problems. A comparison of different results by using different methods of probability proposals.

Section 7. Final remarks.


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Bibliographical reference

Tadeusz Gerstenkorn and Jacek Mańko, « Utility and Helpfulness of Probability of the Fuzzy Events in Some Economic Problems », CASYS, 18 | 2006, 187-195.

Electronic reference

Tadeusz Gerstenkorn and Jacek Mańko, « Utility and Helpfulness of Probability of the Fuzzy Events in Some Economic Problems », CASYS [Online], 18 | 2006, Online since 31 July 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=2282


Tadeusz Gerstenkorn

University of Trade, Łódź-Poland, ul. Pojezierska 97b, 91-341 Łódź, Poland

By this author

Jacek Mańko

XXXI Secondary School of Łódź, ul. Kruczkowskiego 4, 93-236 Łódź, Poland

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