Anticipatory Agents, Scenarios Approach in Decision-Making and some Quantum -Mechanical Analogies

p. 217-225


New applications of proposed multi-agent's models of neuronet type with intellectual agents for economics and social problems are described. Some unexpected analogies with some topics from quantum physics are proposed. The selection procedures in proposed models remembers the measurement process of quantum state. Also the analogies with concept from quantum mechanics - namely with many - world interpretation of quantum mechanics is discussed. In such interpretation at each moment of time the system with observer is exposed to branching. We may suppose that such analogies aren't accidental. Another important property of proposed models consists in analogies to the description of quantum process on microlevel to the so-called causal nets in quantum gravity. Multivaluedness of solutions in our models allows connecting of its properties to the gauge theory.


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Bibliographical reference

Alexander Makarenko, « Anticipatory Agents, Scenarios Approach in Decision-Making and some Quantum -Mechanical Analogies », CASYS, 15 | 2004, 217-225.

Electronic reference

Alexander Makarenko, « Anticipatory Agents, Scenarios Approach in Decision-Making and some Quantum -Mechanical Analogies », CASYS [Online], 15 | 2004, Online since 30 July 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Alexander Makarenko

National Technical University of Ukraine (KPI), 37 Pobedy Avenue, 03056, Kyiv- 56, Ukraine

By this author


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