The Synergy of Subtle Reverberated Information Transfer

p. 226-238


The real business environment phenomena study starts from the undifferentiated real economic relations, its manifesting forms, as well as from the observers and benchmarks used in recording evolution of phenomena. Before assuming any intervention against energy/information available from a certain context, at a certain moment, one obseryer should understand both the core information and related context/moment of the record. Above all, this is a matter of coherence, compatibility and concomitance to the concerned all around reality.

Any abatement from established contract jeopardizes the image of both provider and client organizations.

On a certain mark of organization's image it is possible to count the attraction grade assigned to an interested organization to cooperate in ajoint venture. Each organization should build a database comprising marks from all related business partners reactions', on either direct or indirect relations. The continuous cybernetic organization's image improvement must be represented as an act operator based on reverberation phenomena of direct and indirect actions.


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Bibliographical reference

Marcel Dragos Stoica, Gheorghe Ruxanda, Ioana Gabriela Oprea and Dan Ion Oprea, « The Synergy of Subtle Reverberated Information Transfer », CASYS, 15 | 2004, 226-238.

Electronic reference

Marcel Dragos Stoica, Gheorghe Ruxanda, Ioana Gabriela Oprea and Dan Ion Oprea, « The Synergy of Subtle Reverberated Information Transfer », CASYS [Online], 15 | 2004, Online since 30 July 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Marcel Dragos Stoica

Prof. Dr., Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania

By this author

Gheorghe Ruxanda

Prof. Dr., Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania

Ioana Gabriela Oprea

Prof., Computer Teacher at "Eugen Ionescu" Theoretical High school Bucharest, Romania

Dan Ion Oprea

Dr., Founder of "D.I. Oprea Engineering, Environment, Economics" consultant services, Bucharest, Romania


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