Signal Transmission Along Singularity Free Gradient Fields and Quantization Caused by Internal Degrees of Freedom

p. 105-120


Any singularity free vector field X defined on an open set in a three-dimensional Euclidean space with curl X = 0 admits a complex line bundle Fa with a fibre-wise defined symplectic structure, a principal bundle Pa and a Heisenberg group bundle. For X = const. The geometry of Pa defines the Schrödinger representation of any fibre of the Heisenberg group bundle and a quantization procedure for homogeneous quadratic polynomials on the real line visualised as a transport along field lines of internal degrees of freedom in Fa. This is related to signal transmission.


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Bibliographical reference

Ernst Binz and Walter Schempp, « Signal Transmission Along Singularity Free Gradient Fields and Quantization Caused by Internal Degrees of Freedom », CASYS, 10 | 2001, 105-120.

Electronic reference

Ernst Binz and Walter Schempp, « Signal Transmission Along Singularity Free Gradient Fields and Quantization Caused by Internal Degrees of Freedom », CASYS [Online], 10 | 2001, Online since 07 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Ernst Binz

Lehrstuhl für Mathematik I, Universität Mannheim, D-68131 Mannheim, Germany

By this author

Walter Schempp

Lehrstuhl für Mathematik I, Universität Siegen, D-57068 Siegen, Germany

By this author


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