Self-reference, the Dimensionality and Scale of Quantum Mechanical Effects, Critical Phenomena, and Qualia

p. 340-359


Self-reference, the postulated key to a more complete understanding of quantum mechanics, is shown to be a necessary mathematical basis for an evolution of all that exists in relation to a self-created quantum cosmology. The initial act of this self-creation - a critical phenomenon where the material phase transitions give rise simultaneously to mass and the strong, electro-magnetic, weak properties of mater in agreement with those of the standard model of elementary particle physics - is shown to concern 3+l dimensional Lorentzian space/time and Einstein's general relativity. Similarly subsequent acts giving rise to entirely novel material phase transitions and properties of matter, as predicted by renormalization group theory for which K.G. Wilson received the Nobel Prize, may include, evidence is presenæd those of self-aware, possibly conscious, living systems.


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Bibliographical reference

Peter Marcer, Edgar Mitchell and Walter Schempp, « Self-reference, the Dimensionality and Scale of Quantum Mechanical Effects, Critical Phenomena, and Qualia », CASYS, 13 | 2002, 340-359.

Electronic reference

Peter Marcer, Edgar Mitchell and Walter Schempp, « Self-reference, the Dimensionality and Scale of Quantum Mechanical Effects, Critical Phenomena, and Qualia », CASYS [Online], 13 | 2002, Online since 14 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Peter Marcer

By this author

Edgar Mitchell

Institute of Noetic Sciences, Lake Worth, FL.

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Walter Schempp

Lehrstuhl fur Mathematik I, University of Siegen, Germany

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