Toward a Holistic Anticipation (by Mulej's Dialectical Systems Theory)
p. 52-66
Systems thinking fights onesided, biased, thinking because the latter causes complex and complicated consequences by (over)simplification of the observer's and/or decision maker's view at reality. Holism, which L. v. Bertalanffy decades ago has aimed at making a very broad new world view, has been found uncommon sense again and again, but also a necessity for mankind to survive. Specialists are unavoidable, but we/they tend to limit our/their view to a single selected viewpoint, which causes a fictitious holism rather than a Bertalanffian one. Interdisciplinary co-operation helps, but it requires consideration of interdependence of mutually different viewpoints. A methodology supportive of this consideration, is Mulej's Dialectical Systems Theory, and its applied methodology USOMID. They ease attainment of a requisite holism, which lies inbetween the dangerous fictitious holism and the unattainable total holism. Over 25 years of both theoretical and applied results speak for Dialectical Systems Theory as a useful tool for dealing with complex situation, events, and processes. Anticipation, be it computed or not, depends in terms of its quality on the holism if thinking and feeling of the persons working on it. Hence, it should not be provided with tools only, but also with capacity of holistic subjective starting points of those involved.
Bibliographical reference
Matjaz Mulej, Vojko Potocan, Stefan Kajzer and Zdenka Zenko, « Toward a Holistic Anticipation (by Mulej's Dialectical Systems Theory) », CASYS, 10 | 2001, 52-66.
Electronic reference
Matjaz Mulej, Vojko Potocan, Stefan Kajzer and Zdenka Zenko, « Toward a Holistic Anticipation (by Mulej's Dialectical Systems Theory) », CASYS [Online], 10 | 2001, Online since 08 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Matjaz Mulej
Systems & Innovation Theory, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Faculty of Economics and Business (EPF), SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia, P.O.Box 142
Vojko Potocan
Organization and Management, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Faculty of Economics and Business (EPF), SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia, P.O.Box 142
Stefan Kajzer
Business Cybernetics, Management, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Faculty of Economics and Business (EPF), Sl-2000 Maribor, Slovenia, P.O.Box 142
Zdenka Zenko
Tehnoloski transfer, d.oo., Maribor, Slovenia