Siuren I : Excavation Strategies and Methodologies
p. [019]-[025]
The aim of the present chapter is to present past and new approaches applied during the different archaeological fi eld investigations at Siuren I for better understanding of preceding excavations and the latest ones in the 1990s, as these had an impact on subsequent interpretations of the site.
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Référence papier
Alexandre I. Yevtushenko, « Siuren I : Excavation Strategies and Methodologies », ERAUL, 129 | 2012, [019]-[025].
Référence électronique
Alexandre I. Yevtushenko, « Siuren I : Excavation Strategies and Methodologies », ERAUL [En ligne], 129 | 2012, mis en ligne le 13 January 2025, consulté le 25 January 2025. URL :
Alexandre I. Yevtushenko
Crimean Branch, Institute of Archeology, National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Simferopol 95007, Crimea, Ukraine