The importance of raw material factor for Final Paleolithic investigations in Trans-Baikal region (Russia)

p. 95-107


The results of petroarcheological research conducted by the authors based on materials sites of Ust-Menza I and II in the Western Transbaikalia are presented in the given work. A full analysis of these sites’ collections was made and proved that artifacts on jasper, chalcedony and flint (in total, 69%) dominate in the levels of Ust-Menza I site. Similar to the Ust-Menza I raw material data of flint, jasper and chalcedony also prevail (all together 59 %) among the Ust-Menza II artifacts. To find out the source of these high quality raw materials the data on the distribution of these rocks in the region were used. As a result, it was found out that the sources of raw materials were removed from the Ust-Menza sites at a minimum distance of 150 km. in a straight line. Thus, we believe that the absence of vitally necessary minerals and rocks in the significant part of the territory of Western Trans-Baikal region forced Paleolithic humans to move permanently in order to replenish stocks of these raw materials.


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Référence papier

Pavel V. Moroz et Georgy A. Yurgenson, « The importance of raw material factor for Final Paleolithic investigations in Trans-Baikal region (Russia) », ERAUL, 140 | 2014, 95-107.

Référence électronique

Pavel V. Moroz et Georgy A. Yurgenson, « The importance of raw material factor for Final Paleolithic investigations in Trans-Baikal region (Russia) », ERAUL [En ligne], 140 | 2014, mis en ligne le 20 November 2024, consulté le 10 January 2025. URL :


Pavel V. Moroz

Zabaikalskiy State University, Chita, Russia

Georgy A. Yurgenson

Institute of Natural Resources, Environment and Cryology of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Chita, Russia