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134 | 2014ERAUL 134
The Scladina I-4A – Juvenile Neandertal – Andenne, Belgium. Palaeoanthropology and ContextEdited by Michel Toussaint and Dominique Bonjean
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133 | 2012ERAUL 133
Brassempouy (Landes, France) ou la matrice gravettienne de l'EuropeIssue contents -
132 | 2012ERAUL 132
L’Aurignacien de la Grotte Yafteh et son contexte (fouilles 2005-2008)- The Aurignacian of Yafteh Cave and its context (2005-2008 excavations)
Edited by Marcel Otte, Sonia Shidrang and Damien Flas
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131 | 2012ERAUL 131
Solutréen et Badegoulien au Cuzoul de Vers : des chasseurs de rennes en QuercyEdited by Jean Clottes, Jean-Pierre Giraud and Pierre Chalard
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130 | 2013ERAUL 130
Le Paléolithique supérieur européen. Bilan quinquennal 2006-2011Edited by Pierre Noiret
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129 | 2012ERAUL 129
Siuren I rock-shelter. From Late Middle Paleolithic and Early Upper Paleolithic to Epi-Paleolithic in CrimeaEdited by Yuri E. Demidenko, Marcel Otte and Pierre Noiret
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128 | 2011ERAUL 128
Le Paléolithique moyen en Belgique. Mélanges Marguerite Ulrix-ClossetEdited by Michel Toussaint, Kévin Di Modica and Stéphane Pirson
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126 | 2011ERAUL 126
The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic in the Middle East and Neighbouring Regions. Proceedings of the Basel symposium (mai 8-10 2008)Edited by Jean-Marie Le Tensorer, Reto Jagher and Marcel Otte
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