Neguentropy and Forecasting

p. 289-306


This communication develops the particularities of the"heat-entropy" which are related with the chaotic behaviour of the heat in opposition with the other kinds of energies which are polarized and well directed. By means of a fast survey of every technical domains which are stretched from the Thermodynamic to the Linguistic, including a large range of scientific disciplines related with Systems Theory, we shall discover the usefulness and power of the topic "Entropy" or "Neguentropy" to show the common influence of chaotical seeds in our surrounding. This "entropic" point of view allows a gain for the forecasting. the analysis and the understanding of a lot of events, designs and actions because increase of homogeneity. Neguentropical sight is anavoidably lying in the basement of every teaching _ learning and anticipatitive procedure. Indeed it is always very useful to develop a tool for the highlighting of behavioral analogy between many very various phenomena because it leads to more homogeneous planification in the forecasting procedures and it permits to save much time and a lot of thoughts by their modelings.


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Bibliographical reference

Jean Alphonse Doucet, « Neguentropy and Forecasting », CASYS, 3 | 1999, 289-306.

Electronic reference

Jean Alphonse Doucet, « Neguentropy and Forecasting », CASYS [Online], 3 | 1999, Online since 07 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Jean Alphonse Doucet

Haute Ecole Rennequin Sualem, Département lngénieurs lndustriels, B 4020 Liege_ 6 Quai Gloesener

By this author


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