Resonance as Stabilizing Agents
p. 221-237
Here we develop the analysis of resonance mechanism. We show functional connection between resonance and wave generation. On the other side the echoing horizons exert a particular resonance over the anticipatory trajectories and may be considered as stabilizing operators. We indicate the functional association between loops and curl(V) operators. Loops and curl(V) operators will be considered as resonators to maintain the coupling between pairs of spaces as between the electric and magnetic spaces. We observe Fourier transformation which relates the time signal evolution to the frequencies of their resonators. Consequently there is a link between resonators and oscillators. Besides resonating aromatic molecules play as light filters and the mirror as optic resonances between objects and their pictures.
Bibliographical reference
Jean Alphonse Doucet, « Resonance as Stabilizing Agents », CASYS, 26 | 2014, 221-237.
Electronic reference
Jean Alphonse Doucet, « Resonance as Stabilizing Agents », CASYS [Online], 26 | 2014, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Jean Alphonse Doucet
Honorary Professor in the "Haute Ecole d'Ingénieurs Industriels", Province de Liège, Belgium